What is “Organic”?

Organic. (ôr-gān'ĭk) adjective 1. Of, relating to, derived from, or characteristic of living plants and animals 2. Using or produced...
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Happy Labor Day!

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of contributions workers. This yearly national tribute to...
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Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you... As the Chinese proverb says: "A diamond with...
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Why Organic Skincare? 🌿

Studies show the connection between illness and chemicals, and it is our responsibility to eliminate or reduce exposure to synthetics...
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Stay Optimistic and always leave the shadows behind :D op·ti·mism ˈäptəˌmizəm/ noun noun: optimism hopefulness and confidence about the future...
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“Please don’t stop the music”

🎶Scientifically proven, MUSIC set the quality of sleep, increases physical performance, and boosts brain power 🎶  
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